A18. Avoiding the Cliche in a High School Art Project

  • What does the word cliche mean?

  • Cliche means something that is overused or is not original.

  • What are the nine steps for avoiding the cliche in an art project? Write them in your own words–do NOT cut and paste.
  •  Research common and clichĂ© responses to the theme you intend to explore, so you know what to avoid in your own work.  

    • Create an extensive moodboard and plan of different artist ideas and imagery to refer to as you develop your ideas.

  • Make the time to explore current artist work as well as traditional artist responses to a theme.
  • Have a broad research base and look on sites other than relying on Google to be your sole source of influence. 
    •  Look for successes in places that might be overlooked
    • Don’t just stop at one outcome
    • Keep an open mind when you develop your work – don`t try to force yourself too much in one direction.
    • Remember that you can develop ideas in many different ways using unexpected mediums and processes.
    • Be experimental… but always take the time to select the best media and techniques to further develop your work into the most meaningful outcomes.

  • What were the ideas that Ella had that she wanted to show in her artwork?
  • New York and 9/11
  • How did Ella avoid cliches?
  • instead of just focussing on the study trip she looked at how it affected herself  linking her experience in America to home. Her project thus is a reflection of her journey, making it personal to her.
  • How did Ella’s methods of presenting her photographic work add to her message?
  • She had a combination of materials and unusual processes like waxed teabags, fabric printing and origami made her work a completely fresh interpretation of the theme.
  • What ideas (note: ideas is plural, not singular) are you considering for your semester project?
  • I'm considering taking a film that I have already done and taking stills from it that are very impressive. Making it into a photostory. I love film and I think doing that as my semester project portrays what I love.
  • What attracts you to these ideas? WHY do you like them?
  • I like them because I want to go into film production and stories are what I want to make/tell. I enjoy telling stories because I can take something that has been told before and tell it in a completely different way - my way.
  • What message(s) or story are you hoping to convey?
  • Literally all of the genres. I will not limit myself to one category. For instance, I really do not like scary movies but my best films are thrillers.
  • How are you going to make people interested in looking at your work?  Why should anyone else care about it?
  • I'm going to put my own spin on it that no one has ever seen before. They should care about it because it won't be CLICHE!
  • What are you thinking of doing to present/display your semester project?
  • In chronological order.
  • How can you use the method of display/presentation to strengthen your story/message?
  • I'm not entirely sure but I will definitely be looking into that now.
  • What new thoughts and ideas do you now have?
  • I should come up with a new way to display my work.
  • Comments

    1. Your work will be original because there is only one YOU! Just try to be true to yourself, as you mentioned, and originality will take care of itself. Not to say there is anything "new under the sun" as Solomon says. We can borrow from others to develop our own voice and say it in our own way.
      Great that you got these out of the way by 3rd Quarter, good for you!


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