#J2. Ransom and Mitchell—“A Wonderful Mess,”

  1. What is your reaction?
    1. There very interesting and weird. 
  2. How do you think they do it?
    1. I think it's real photography mixed with cg.
  3. Which gallery was the most interesting and why?
    1. The Fine Art gallery was most interesting to me because of the ideas in some of the pictures.
  4. Which gallery was the least interesting and why?
    1. Probably the conceptual gallery under commercial because they were the least bit weird.
  5. Read the “about r&m” page? Who are they and who does what?
    1. Stacey Ransom is a digital artist/set designer and Jason Mitchell who is a director/photographer.
    2. They combine cinematic lighting with distinctive scenery and digital artistry to create what cannot exist.


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